be here now /
be here now /
“The next message you need is always right where you are.”
some friends that have helped me along the way :)
but remember that the greatest teacher of all is:
( check out my playlists on SPOTIFY if music is your love language - they’re kind of a mess, but made with so much love)
autobiography of a yogi - yogananda
becoming supernatural - joe dispenza
the celestine prophecy - james redfield
the kybalion - the three initiates
the tao te ching - hackett classics
song of myself - walt whitman
the four agreements - don miguel ruiz
the fifth agreement - the ruiz family
a new earth - eckhart tolle
the power of now - eckart tolle
the mastery of self - don miguel ruiz jr.
the tao of physics - fritjof capra
the 7 spiritual laws of success - chopra
you are here - thich naht han
old path, white clouds - thich naht han
journey of souls - michael newton
the holographic universe - michael talbot
how yoga works - geshe michael
become what you are - alan watts
the secret teachings of all ages - manly p. hall
ACIM (made easy) - alan cohen
the wisdom of the enneagram - don richard riso & russ hudson
secrets of the talking jaguar - martin prechtel
the untethered soul - michael alan singer
on the road - keruoac
food of the gods - terrence mckenna
holy cow - sarah macdonald
saltwater buddha - jaimal yogis
the limited mind - john sarno
the way out - alan gordon
atomic habits - james clear
man & his symbols - carl jung
an intro to zen buddhism - d.t. suzuki
siddhartha - herman hesse
the hermetica - tim freke & peter gandy
the bhagavad gita
the bible
the upanishads
love poems from god - daniel ladinsky
be here now - ram dass
the song of myself - walt whitman
the prophet - khalil gabran
devotions - mary oliver
the essential rumi - coleman barks
a book of luminous things -czeslaw milosz
any poetry by rumi, hafiz, kabir, meister eckhart, mary oliver, walt whitman, ana swir, etc.
know thyself (click for link)
this might be helpful (click for link)
anything by ram dass, yogananda, or alan watts :)
undone (prime)
the good place (netflix)
anything on GAIA (streaming device - free episodes on youtube)
everything everywhere all at once
captain fantastic
waking life
journeys to the edge of consciousness
the alpinist
fantastic fungi
life itself
the secret life of walter mitty
sing street
kiss the ground
they live
the other one (grateful dead)
man on the moon + jim & andy (watch both back to back)
inner worlds, outer worlds (or anything on Gaia for that matter)
into the wild
dead poet’s society
collateral beauty
180 degrees south
dr. strange
“When you get free from certain fixed concepts of the way the world is, you find it is far more subtle, and far more miraculous than you thought it was.”
– Alan Watts