from my grandfather’s minolta x-700 (and some disposables along the way)
just for fun :)
sweet pea
that one time we saw tibetan monks while hiking hocking hills
photsynthesizing outside yosemite at the most beautiful blm campsite
the beautiful tragedy that was hiking sand dunes at dusk with a pack half our size + weight
old man's cave
The devil's bathtub... “No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.” - Carl Jung
pups are just angels in disguise
winters at the cottage on lake huron
here, now.
the forest speaks
call back later, i'm busy "being"
inner child activation :)
precious moments
winter landscapes
the branches that connect us all
out the blue, you came to me
can't tell who has more hair... ;)
i could stare at that smile for the rest of my eterniity ...
someone to lean on.
climbing the stairs to heaven
wear that silver lining close to your skin
all beings, one body
take me away ...
“When there is no desire, all things are at peace.” ― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
“A man is whole only when he takes into account his shadow.”
i think i'll just shut up and enjoy this view
nature does not rush, yet everything is accomplished.
your naked soul is beautiful
kiss of the cosmic creator
curly girls
wish i could brush my teeth to this view everyday...
matthew 6:22
fall(ing) in love
mind mirror / glacier np
that one time two hippies named space & smiles let us stay on their farm :)
native american grounds
kona tides
nena <3
on the moon - volcanoes nP
heaven is a place on earth
friendship heals all wounds
mama gaia
coming back in the next life as a cat in hawaii
the entire ocean in one drop
golden rays of god
mauna kea
pink. it's my new obsession.
the peace of wild things
homeless but happy at captain cook
(almost) green sands
you are an aperture through which the universe is looking at itself.
the coconut couldn't survive this one
secret tunnel! -em
serendipitous day by the river at raven caves / sedona
how lucky am i to have someone i am so afraid to lose?
you can't take me, i'm freeeee
slow and steady
If you have ever gone to the woods with me, I must love you very much.
aren't we all looking at life through a blurry lens?
as within, so without, mycelium all around
the stillness of the void that swallows all your questioning
lochness monsterz
get pittedddd
no such thing as mistakes
what if everything is inherently perfect and we just can't see it?
aw, ramps!!!
one door closes, another opens
into the wild
lavender days
ever been sent an angel on earth? meet keeva.
don't forget to play :)
good ol' michigan summers
dad's special lookout
who are you, really?
you belong among the wildflowers
you belong on a boat out at sea
days that are etched into my heart
kota & stinky
... think i'll just lay here forever
mirror in the sky
the divine feminine
family is nature's greatest creation
i love the artist of this painting we live in.
something from nothing
"this will be a relaxing vacation" ...
what would this world be without music?
dad doin dad things
never let that inner child fade away
cottage days are where my heart longs to stay. <3
em :)
the bittersweet experience of watching my lovely little cousins grow up...
ohio... seriously?
no spring without winter
keep your heart young
we're all just walking each other home.
hey, put that phone down!
faded memories just outside grand canyon
“The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding." - The Kybalion.”
i didn't transcend my ego; we became friends
we cannot step in the same river twice
kota... or polar bear?
huggin trees n' scrapin knees
you are the guru
fan the inner flame
this world is a playground
so, this is christmas
earth fur / i'm really likin' this lichen
the roman inn in the sky
destiny / kua bay
i've known those eyes for lifetimes...
all of my dreams are still in sight cuz strictly speaking, I've got my whole life ... I lost a wheel a while back, But strictly speaking, I'm still on track
my heart, my home
glimmers of hope
friends that last a lifetime
leaks of light
we're all mad here
papa :)
life is a garden
either you do it like it's a big weight on you, or you do it like it's part of the dance
caroline + brady <3
take me to the lake