what if lost is right where you are meant to be ?
as long as i believe that happiness is the opposite of sadness
i will remain forever stuck in a perpetual loop of suffering
chasing external pleasures and running away from pain, only to be left feeling unsatisfied.
when one tries to grasp sand, it is bound to slip through their fingers.
the way i figure
the deeper the grief cuts into my soul
the more space is created for joy to shine through.
after all, how could i taste wholeness
if i had never known the void of emptiness?
it’s as if G*d breaks us again and again,
until finally,
we break open and through
whatever was limiting our reality.
death is but a circle that leads directly back into rebirth.
and i trust that whatever i stand to lose
cannot compare to the peace that i stand to gain through losing it
because that’s just how our G*d works.
so you see, even pain is a gift,
a spring cleaning, a tool, a catalyst for spiritual growth
a way to get free
of what we may not have even known
was keeping us trapped
in the first place
… & whoever made us believe
that perfection and imperfection
cannot coexist lied
because I promise you that there is a vast spacious, loving intelligence
that welcomes and invites sadness
just as quickly as it does happiness
and every time i follow my tears
deeply enough,
they seamlessly turn back into laughter.
i used to desire to savor and forever dwell within the feeling of being found
until i realized that even being lost is sacred
EVERYTHING in this life is
even the very veils of illusion that keep me separated from God are still God.
It. ALL. is.
what a magnificent, holy paradox:
that God could simultaneously be everything in the universe
while also being its Creator –
the substance from which the entirety of existence proceeds
and the governing principle which orders it…
the Creator and the Created.
sometimes i think God lets out a big cosmic giggle,
an old taoist belly laugh
when he thinks of the naive human idea of separation, of opposites
for pain and pleasure are not “opposites,”
but rather varying degrees on the same spectrum that measure the very same thing
and you and God, too, are varying degrees on the same scale…
thoughts, emotions, actions,
everything in the universe
is simply God at play with himself
it’s all a cosmic game of
hide & seek
don’t you see… this life is of your own design?
… that you are simply
“If you want to be free, you can’t push away anything. You have to embrace it all. It’s all God.”